Key Features:
One-Piece BodySuit
With this cool one piece Bodysuit, you’re cute little tyke will always have your back. Every hero needs a sidekick, and what better backup than your son or daughter? Sure, they may not be imposing or physically able of protecting you, but they’ll stop anyone in their tracks from the sheer power of cuteness! No bogey can resist the power of such an adorable face. Awww, would you just look at that? You can shoot MIGs out of the sky with such a cute mug. Every parent should know the golden rule: your child is always your best wingman.
He’s also got your seven, eight, nine, ten…because he needs around the clock care. Ah well, that’s the responsibility that fatherhood brings. But don’t worry, when he’s all grown up and you’re old and decrepit, he’ll be the wingman for you that you’ve always been to him. It’s nice to have children, and even nicer to have a sweet Romper Bodysuit like this.