One day, my gun-enthusiast family and I decided to take a day to go to a shooting competition at our local shooting range in North Carolina. A lot of people showed up, which was surprising to us, since the word of the shooting competition didn’t really spread too much. We knew because we were regulars, but there were a lot of unfamiliar faces to the shooting range. Word of mouth could only spread so far and we could not grasp how so many people got the info of this great gun event. Finally it hit us like the recoil of a shotgun. These people are simply gun fanatics like us and did the necessary research to find out about this competition.
People from as far as Georgia, Kentucky, even West Virginia were here cheering on their favorite shooters or family members who entered the competition. It was an incredible sight to see, all of our fellow gun lovers here socializing in an event made especially for gun lovers, hunters, and gun collectors alike.
There were people showing off their brand new Police issued side arms like the GLOCK 43 and the GLOCK 19. One man even brought over his pump-action Remington Wingmaster Shotgun that he was using in the trap shooting tournament. From Smith and Wesson hunting rifles to Ruger Pistols, it was all there.
This proved one thing to us: there are way more people who are into the wonderful world of gun culture than we thought. We also noticed that no one, including us, was showing off their love of guns, shooting, hunting, or any type of gun related event through their clothing. There were a couple of Maverick, Co. shirts and some Cult shirts but, nothing interesting that stood out. Right then we knew we all had the same idea.
With so many people into gun culture like us, we knew that a proper gun apparel company was missing, so we decided to fill that void. We created Tactical Tees, a one of kind gun culture apparel company to fulfill the needs of all gun enthusiasts.
We are a gun-trained and gun-loving family-owned business dedicated to offering the best quality apparel for every gun-loving person. With over 200,000 sq ft. of warehouse space and an employ of over 100 local and dedicated gun enthusiasts like you, we have the capabilities to service orders of any size and any location with maximum efficiency. We design all of our own content, ranging from general firearm weaponry designs to hunting or gun freedom designs, and we always assure the best quality product.
Your 2nd Amendment rights allow you to have the freedom of owning and firing your weapons, and you should take advantage by showing off your love of all things guns, hunting, and gun rights. We are dedicated to offering you that service and are 100% committed to your satisfaction.