Key Features:
Ultra Cotton Adult Sleeveless T-Shirt
You always should have a backup plan, because when the main plan goes awry, all hell has a tendency to break loose. Peace is one of those incredibly frail things, and usually when it fails, it fails big time—especially in today’s world. That’s why you need a buddy to cover your back when peace fails. You should also be wearing this cool Sleeveless T-Shirt too. Not because it’s bulletproof or anything, but maybe your enemies wont shoot you because you look too cool. Who wants to ruin this design with blood splatter?
We should also mention that the buddy covering you should be carrying the biggest gun that’s practical for the situation. We also recommend having a lot of ammunition on hand. Hey, we warned you. When peace fails, it usually does so catastrophically. We also recommend having a backup plan for the backup plan, e.g. running away. It’s a strategy that’s usually effective. Another proven effective strategy is buying this cool Sleeveless T-Shirt.
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