Key Features:
Softstyle Ladies V-Neck T-Shirt
Do you know why America is the land of the free? Because of a combination of our 2nd Amendment and the brave men and women serving in the armed forces: our Army, Navy, Airforce and Marines. Your average American doesn't realize that freedom isn't free - but you do. You understand that the rights we have earned must be preserved and protected - like our families and our homes. It doesn't matter if you served, have served or just love someone that has - whether you want a military shirt, a police shirt, or just want to support the 2nd amendment Tactical Tees has the shirt for you.
The Gadsden flag is a symbol of the freedom and independence that our forefathers fought for. They were the original rattlesnakes ready to pounce on their prey that would dare tread on their rights! Here at Tactical Tees™, we know that the battles still rage on as our freedoms are constantly being infringed upon. Support the supreme law of our great nation – the US Constitution – and all of the rights that it affords its citizens! 1776 is a long time ago, but the rattling of the freedom fighters is still alive today!
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