Key Features:
Heavy Cotton T-Shirt
Three loaded words… loaded with sarcasm that is. Not So Much. It comes across as skeptical and cynical while not being completely in your face. But sometimes, you want your words to be a little more direct. This is especially true when dealing with important issues like our rights as citizens of the United States. There are many ways in which our nation doesn’t seem so united anymore. None so controversial as the issue of gun control. Show your support for the Second Amendment with this witty T-Shirt! The words: a bullet. Your body: a trigger finger!
Do you have a gun permit? Any proud supporter of the Second Amendment does! We here at Tactical Tees don’t need to see it. We know what it looks like… Name: Second Amendment. Issued: 12/15/1791. Expires: Never! Show off your humor while supporting your rights with this T-Shirt! In Glock you trust… not so much the people!
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