Key Features:
Softstyle Ladies V-Neck T-Shirt
No offense to Meghan Trainor, but her lyrics got it wrong. “All about that bass?” Close, but not quite. It’s really “all about that brass!” Brass – that strong alloy made of copper and zinc that cuts through the air with the speed and strength of a speeding bullet! Because that is what it is – a Second Amendment protected projectile. Support your rights as a citizen of the United States with this witty Junior Fit V-Neck T-Shirt! You can even hear the people singing as they read “Because I’m All About That Brass!”
Here at ™, we do not discriminate. We know that brass may not be choice of metal for all. Lead is always popular. Same with copper. But when pop culture allows us to stand up for our Second Amendment rights in a humorous fashion, we take it! Support your right to bear arms with this witty Junior Fit V-Neck T-Shirt! Even if you aren’t a fan of pop music, you can admit that it has a pretty good beat: “Because I’m all about that brass!”