Key Features:
Heavy Blend Crewneck
In the United States, the average response time for a call to 911 is 21 minutes! A lot can happen in those precious seconds as you wait for the brave men and women of our country’s police force to come to your aid. The response time for a 9mm – 1,350 feet per second! Is your house protected by your Second Amendment rights? Support the US Constitution and the rights of all American citizens with this Crewneck Sweatshirt! ADT, Slomin’s, Brinks… how about your home being protected by the Lord and a gun: any criminal who comes to do harm might meet both!
What type of security system do you implement to keep your home and family safe? Why pay a company for security services when you already have a top of the line system – the Second Amendment! Here at Tactical Tees™, we support the rights that our forefathers fought for to keep our country safe from those who would trespass against us. This Crewneck Sweatshirt is for all those who agree! We wish we could include a yard sign like those other security companies. It would read “Warning: We Don’t Call 911!”
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