Key Features:
Heavy Blend Zipper Hoodie
One word: two distinct meanings. Outlaw (noun) – a person excluded from the benefit or protection of the law. Outlaw (verb) – to make illegal. If some politicians had their way the Second Amendment would be abolished. Our rights as citizens of the United States of America would be stripped from us. The government would still have their guns, but not the “We the People” that was decreed in the US Constitution. Be a proud supporter of your rights with this Zip Hoodie! If the government “outlaws” guns, you would be proud to be considered an “outlaw” yourself!
“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” The Federalist Papers were essays written by our forefathers to convince citizens to ratify the US Constitution. But today, we are constantly thrown in debates over the issue of gun control. Here at ™, we know that outlawing guns goes against our rights as citizens of the United States. With this Zip Hoodie, proclaim your Second Amendment rights!
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