Key Features:
Heavy Blend Zipper Hoodie
It’s like the old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but except its guns. Guns are deterrents for a lot of things, the shuffling undead being one of them. That’s why we support armed Americans, because not only is it our constitutional right to carry weapons, but doing so protects us against the multitude of things trying to kill us—fictional or real. Just the mere act of owning a gun makes us feel better. Have you ever just held a gun? Your confidence goes through the roof. And so well wearing this cool Zip Hoodie for gun-nuts.
So many people fantasize about a zombie apocalypse, but do you know why it wouldn’t work in America? Because of armed Americans. The 2nd Amendment trumps everything, including the shuffling hordes of the undead. Who needs courage when you have a gun? Who needs courage when you have this awesome Zip Hoodie?
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