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Between 2007 and 2012, the dollar value of ammunition doubled in price! 5 cents a round? Unheard of anymore! It rose to 12 cents! Now, the average 9mm bullet is around 19 cents a round! Instead of fixing real problems that are affecting our nation, the government seems intent on stripping us from our Second Amendment rights. The US Constitution is law! The date of its authoring is not a factor. We the People are legally upholding our rights. With this witty #N/A, show your support! No sense wasting any brass, they can consider it your warning shot!
Disease, climate change... There are so many different causes that the United States government can focus on and debate. Yet instead, it seems that some politicians want to keep infringing on the supreme law of our land instead of trying to fix things that are not already legalized. Here at ™, we have seen the correlation between an increased desire for Second Amendment abolishment and ammunition price! It is just a legal way for them to try and affect our rights! With this humorous #N/A, we show them what this rise in price really means!
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